Policies |
Industrial Disputes Act |
During the reporting period all our companies, which employ unionized labour followed all pertinent regulations in letter and intent. The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 is one such statute that applies to labour relations. It specifically mentions a three-week notice period for all operational changes. There are consultation and negotiation opportunities during the notice period. If consent is given, only then can the agreement be signed to reflect the changes. |
The types of changes covered under this policy include: |
Wages including the period and mode of payment |
Contribution paid, or payable by the employer to any provident fund or pension fund or for the benefit of the workmen under any law for the time being in force |
Compensatory or other allowances |
Hours of work and rest intervals |
Starting, alteration or discontinuance of shift-working other than in accordance with standing orders |
Leaves with wages and holidays |
Classification by grades |
Withdrawal of customary concessions or privilege, or change in usage |
Introduction of new rules of discipline or alteration in existing rules, except when they are provided for in standing orders |
Rationalisation, standardisation or improvement of plant or technique which is likely to lead to retrenchment |
Any increase or reduction (other than casual) in the number of persons employed or to be employed in any occupation or process or department or shift (not occasioned by circumstances over which the employer has no control). |
AS, FES, MHRIL & Systech adhere to the Industrial Disputes Act and give a notice period of minimum 21 days in case of an operational change. |