Corporate Governance |
Codes of Conduct |
The Board has established two separate Codes of Conduct, one for board members and the other for senior management and employees of the Company. The Company has a comprehensive Code of Conduct related to insider trading, which lays down procedural guidelines on disclosures to be made while handling Company shares and details the full consequences of violations. These codes are in line with the requirements of SEBI. |
At the corporate level, there is a Corporate Governance Cell (CGC) composed of four members of the Group Management Board, who represent business Sectors as well as the Corporate Centre. The CGC reports to the Board of Directors of M&M, Limited. In order to see that the Code of Conduct is well understood and practiced within the organisation, a formal mechanism has been put in place in form of "Corporate Governance Coordinators" at the business level and "Corporate Governance Officers' at the plant level. These coordinators/officers are like 'listening posts' where employees can report irregularities noticed at the workplace or get clarification with regard to policy compliance etc. The irregularities reported are then conveyed by the coordinators /officers to the CGC who would take the matter forward as deemed fit. |
The CGC oversees the adherence to both the Codes, and in order to ensure that these are followed in letter and spirit. Corporate Governance coordinators have been appointed at major locations. The codes of conduct are an integral part of the induction of new employees and have been posted on the Company’s website. All board members and senior management personnel affirm compliance with these codes annually. |