Corporate Governance |
Core Values |
The Mahindra Group has a set of core values that are integral to all Group companies. Our Core Values are influenced by
our past, tempered by our present and are designed to shape our future. They are an amalgam of what we have been,
what we are and what we want to be. |
These values are the compass that guides our actions, both personal and corporate: |
Good Corporate Citizenship |
As in the past, we will continue to seek long-term success that is in alignment with our country's needs. We will do this without compromising on ethical business standards. |
We have always sought the best people and given them the freedom and opportunity to grow, and will continue to do so. We will support innovation and well reasoned risk-taking, but will demand performance. |
We exist and prosper only because of our customers. We will respond to their changing needs and expectations speedily, courteously and effectively. |
Quality is the key to delivering value for money to our customers. We will make quality a driving value in our work, in our products and in our interactions with others. We will do it "first time right". |
Dignity of the Individual |
We value individual dignity, uphold the right to express disagreement and respect the time and efforts of others. Through our actions we nurture fairness, trust and transparency. |