Getting Organized to Serve Better!
L&Teers pour passion into teaching.
Getting Organized to Serve Better!
A community volunteering initiative can be more meaningful and effective for both volunteers and beneficiaries, if simple and user friendly processes are in place, in addition to volunteer's passion and commitment. L&T employee volunteers - or 'L&T-eers' across our locations have always been giving back enthusiastically to society over the years. Here is one example of how the L&Teering movement, which began in 2014, is being strengthened by introducing key steps in a volunteer teaching programme for children in low-income communities.
At the onset of the new academic year in 2015, an assessment revealed that even a seventh standard child couldn't read simple English words. The L&T-eers realised that the children needed to sit in small groups based on their English learning levels – and not on their school standards. With guidance from a senior educationist, 25 L&T-eers learned various teaching methods and activities to engage with 90 children.
The end-of-year assessment revealed that a third of these children had made some progress, despite an English-deprived environment.
In 2016, in addition to the assessment, 35 L&T-eers designed simple lesson plans with learning targets and creative teaching aids to help them become more effective teachers. Two L&T-eers manage one small group of children. This ensures continuity in the child's learning. Each study centre has two group leaders who ensure that volunteers are available consistently and teaching materials reach the centre before every class.
Displaying personal commitment and leadership, the L&T-eers are driven by a purpose. As one L&Teer put it, "I believe the home a child steps out from in the morning to go to school should not determine the quality of education he/she receives." Being organized helps them to contribute better and stay motivated.
This year, 2,743 employees opted to be L&T Volunteers.
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