This is our eighth Sustainable Development Report and coincides with the publication of our Annual Report. Combined these two documents provide an overview of our approach and our achievements in FY 2015-16, outlining our actions over the past year to achieve our mission to be a world-class diversified natural resource company. |
Covering the financial year 2015-16, the report is structured around our Sustainable Development Model's pillars of Responsible Stewardship, Building Strong Relationships, Adding and Sharing Value, and Strategic Communications. |
All group subsidiary companies except Fujirah gold have been reported in full as though they were 100% wholly owned as we recognise the level of control and sphere of influence the Group has over these operations. |
The aspect boundaries and content of this Sustainable Development Report have been defined using reporting principles prescribed in the GRI G4 guidelines and is prepared 'in accordance' - Core criteria of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) G4 Guidelines. |
We followed the approach described in GRI implementation manual for designing the report content. The material aspects that have been covered in the report are clearly brought out in the materiality matrix. In the report, the DMA (Disclosure on Management Approach) describes the Company's approach to the subjects relevant to it and the indicators provide details on performance on the specific subjects. |
There are no specific restatements of the information provided in the previous reports and no significant changes in terms of acquisition and physical boundaries from the previous reporting periods in the scope and aspect boundaries. |
The report is also mapped to the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) and United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) principles. It reports our approach and disclosure towards triple bottom line principles - people, planet and profit over the financial year 2015-16. |
The GRI G4 detailed content index and Vedanta GRI G4 Disclosure Document FY 2015-16 includes the core and additional indicators including the Mining and Metal and Oil and Gas supplements disclosure is available on our website at: http://sustainabledevelopment.vedantaresources.com/sustainable-development/performance-and-reports.html |
Assurance of this report was carried out by Ernst & Young LLP under ‘limited assurance’ services in accordance with the ISAE 3000. There is an internal approval system in the Company for appointment of external assurance provider for the sustainability report. |
For more information visit our group companies |