The commodities that we produce and the energy that we generate constitute the building blocks of the modern world. However, the value we create is not limited to these outputs but extends across society in a meaningful and effective manner. |
We understand that as a global company we have a broader role in society than merely bringing resources to market. This is particularly true when considered in the context of operating in the developing world. With operations predominantly in India and Africa, we believe that our Group can and should add and share value in order to facilitate the development of the economies and communities where we operate. |
We pursue a three-pronged approach to value. We add value to countries' exchequer by discovering natural resources and processing them so that they are fit for use. We enhance the value of our assets through technically and technologically advanced processes that help us tap more resources per pound. And we expend value by driving direct and indirect positive economic impact in the form of payment of taxes & royalties, and investments towards our employees and community. |
I am confident that our talented team of professionals, who are committed to a sustainable future, will ensure that Vedanta continues to create significant value for all shareholders and benefit communities wherever we operate. |
Anil Agarwal | Chairman
Vedanta Resources plc |
We believe in generating, sharing and cascading value - both financial as well as non-financial in the form of employment, community development, etc. |
FY 2015-16 Direct Economic Contribution |
in US$ mn |
In the weak commodity price environment, we remain committed to optimising our operations, leveraging our high quality asset base and proactively managing our balance sheet. I am encouraged to see the positive results of our cost reduction programme gaining momentum and believe that this relentless focus on efficiency will not only make our business more resilient through the cycle, but position us favourably for any future improvement in market conditions. |
Tom Albanese | CEO - Vedanta Resources plc |
It is our endeavour to add value to each category of stakeholder we engage with. Here is a snapshot of our economic performance across the stakeholder spectrum. |
For more information visit our group companies |