It is the passion, perseverance and sheer ingenuity of our ~67,000 workforce that drives the success of Vedanta. Our people ensure that our business operations are effectively executed, sustainability commitments responsibly rendered and ambitious plans turned to reality. They are crucial cogs in driving each of the triple bottom lines. |
Apart from sharing value in terms of attractive remuneration, we empower them with the freedom to learn, lead, explore, experiment, innovate, and evolve as a professional and as a person. |
9.4% |
full time female employees
(FY 2014-15: 8.6%) |
1.53 mn |
training hours delivered to
workforce (FY 2014-15: 1.24 mn) |
We continue to invest in attracting fresh talent. Our approach emphasises on ensuring the right person in the right role and having a clearly-defined succession plan with a focus on critical positions. This is important in our industry, where securing high-potential talent is a challenge because of high demand for skilled personnel. Our progressive HR policies and strong leadership demonstrate our commitment to equal opportunities regardless of difference in race, nationality, religion, gender or age. At all our operations, we ensure the ratio of entry level wages meets or exceeds the legal requirements and that we do not discriminate in anyway in terms of gender by maintaining a ratio of 1:1 for standard entry level. |
Our HR practices are harmonised with on-ground realities of the countries we operate in. Majority of our operations are located in developing geographies which are characterised by short supply of skilled workforce and therefore the challenge of channelising large swathes of unskilled labour. We address this gap by offering appropriate training platforms and scholarships to the talented youth. Multiple structure programmes are in place at business units to nurture a talent pool of technically proficient personnel. One such example is our Mining Academy in Rajasthan that focuses on enhancing the skills in underground mining for our professionals. |
Over the reporting period, across our businesses, the total percentage of locally hired senior management personnel were: India (97%), Australia (100%),
Zambia (63%), Namibia (100%), Ireland (100%) and South Africa (56%). |
We invest significantly in developing and retaining key talent to drive innovation and efficiency within the business. In this regard, our attrition rate has remained stable and this year it was reported as 5.38%. |
We provide an array of benefits to our permanent employees including coverage under insurance scheme; health insurance scheme; retirement benefits and stock options, depending upon management grade. |
We continue to attract talent from top engineering institutes, business schools and graduate colleges. This is an important step in sourcing a strong talent pipeline for the future. We also focus on effectively utilising and grooming talent by appropriately rotating them across businesses for experience in new roles and to prepare them to take up various key positions in the future. In particular, this year, due to volatile market conditions and owing to disruptions in our business, we have redeployed and optimised appropriate resources to other businesses. |
Women Diversity |
With an operational footprint as wide as four continents, our focus on diversity remains unflinching. Our workforce is an eclectic mix of people of different regions, nationalities, gender and age. Apart from bringing on board multi-cultural individuals, we are firmly committed to usher in gender equality. We are signatory to the 'CEO Statement of Support' that expresses our commitment to the United Nations' Women's Empowerment Principles - 'Equality Means Business'. |
Across the Group, both men and women are recruited on the premise of 'equal remuneration, equal opportunities'. In recent years, Vedanta has witnessed the appointment of women to a number of key positions including Non-Executive Director - CEO - Zinc International, Group President - Sustainability, CSR and Communications, Group Head of Treasury, Head CSR - HZL and Group Head - Taxation. |
Our recruitment drives focus on identifying women candidates for key roles and offering them career advancement. We have witnessed an upward inclination in percentage of women in total workforce ratio, i.e. from 8.1% in FY 2012-13 to 9.4% in FY 2015-16. To enable women to work with dignity and without fear, a sexual harassment prohibition policy and sexual harassment committee is in place in each business. |
- We have established gender diversity targets at
the Board-level as well as Business-level.
- We have already achieved our business-level
target of hiring 15% women professionals and
remain committed towards fulfilling the target of
more than 33% female representation on the
Board by FY 2019-20.
15% |
Increase in % of women in workforce
as compared to FY 2011-12 |
Male |
Female |
No. of employees who have taken parental leaves in FY 2014-15 |
251 |
184 |
No. of employees who returned to work after parental leave ended and who were still employed next 12 months after their return to work |
233 |
171 |
Retention % |
92.83% |
92.93% |
Retention % is calculated on the basis of the no. of employees who returned and were in continuous service for next 12 months / no. of people who went on parental leave |
We pursue the philosophy of 'open doors, open ears' and encourage employees to voice their views. Employee satisfaction is measured through multiple yardsticks and necessary action is taken to fulfill their needs and expectations. Our myriad employee engagement platforms include: |
- External surveys such as Aon Hewitt's 'Great places to work'programme
and periodic in-house 'dipstick' surveys
- Monthly, large-scale interaction programmes helmed by Business Head,
Functional Heads, Head HR, Location Heads etc.
- Quarterly town hall meetings addressed by Chairman, CEO, COO
and CFO
- Weekly one-on-one meetings plus the ubiquitous suggestion and
employee grievance boxes
- Whistle-blower procedure to anonymously report unsafe or unethical
practices (Refer page no. 45 for details)
- Collective bargaining (Refer page no. 45 for details)
- 100% of total workforce represented in the formal joint management
worker health and safety committee
- Ethics Committee that oversees issues including concerns of
discrimination and harassment
I am thankful to Vedanta for not defining my role based on my gender, but based on my capabilities. |
Sadhna Verma | Manager
For more details,
please refer page 44 |
Creating a Healthier Workplace |
Better health is central to human happiness and well-being. It not only allows us to be disease free, but helps us lead a more fulfilling life. But while the benefits of a healthier lifestyle are well known, bringing sustainable change requires changing mindsets. |
With this view in mind, Cairn India launched the Cairnfit Wellness Initiative in 2015, under which employees are offered in-house programmes such as Transformational Yoga, Functional Fitness, Couch to 5K Running and Nutritional Awareness Sessions. |
The programme was launched through an employee town hall meeting where the CEO and senior leadership spoke about the importance of health and fitness. The team also ran a multimedia campaign to build awareness and enthusiasm towards holistic well-being. |
With classes being conducted every week in office premises for 2-3 months, the uptake for the programmes has been very good with slots filling up within a few hours. |
All participants also undergo a pre and post medical check - measuring their BMI and other health indicators which are then tracked for progress at the end of the programme. |
The participant feedback has been more than satisfactory and the results on the health indicators have been dramatic - some people have lost as much as 11 kg in a matter of 3 months. Spreading the importance of fitness and building a culture of healthy living, have been significant contributors to the success of this programme. |
I have attended yoga earlier but the
programme offered at Cairn was very well structured and all the participants ramped up on the skills in a short duration. |
Akanksha Vohra | Employee |
Apart from raising awareness about wellness, the programme has served as an excellent engagement initiative demonstrating care and enhancing camaraderie. |
We live in a high-paced world and need to juggle multiple professional and personal roles in the same breadth. In a professional world, this affects employees' health which may lead to absenteeism, disengagement and reduced productivity. |
With an objective of helping employees step up to good health, Vedanta participated in Stepathlon, a 100-day race initiative aimed at promoting healthier lifestyle. Stepathlon is meant for the everyday athlete and is a fun, engaging way to motivate participants regardless of age, gender, location, designation or fitness level. |
Over 5,800 employees across locations became stepathletes clocking a daily average walk of 8.5 km. |
The participants reaped several benefits including |
sleep |
level |
loss |
of better
lifestyle |
23% of our employees quit smoking after the participation and several employees achieved an average 7 Kg weight loss. |
Good health also got translated in to better work. Work-related engagement increased by 35% resulting in increased productivity of 33%. |
As most of the employees participated in Stepathlon in various teams, the team involvement and team work improved by 40%. Employees calling in for leaves due to ill-health saw a dip too. Average reduction in illness was 3 days. |
Walking has really helped in reducing the stress and I am feeling very energetic at work place. |
Anand Satpute | Vedanta Limited |
Thanks for inculcating the habit of walking. I walk 10-12 km a day on a daily basis and have reduced 4 kg of weight in the last 2 months. |
Mahender Singh | Vedanta Limited |
Sterlite Copper, one of India's largest copper producers, is on its way to become a benchmark workplace for HR best practices. This synopsis of the company's employee practices is a fine example of the Group's talent management philosophy. |
- Cross functional assignments
- Young age responsibility
- Mentoring by senior leaders
- Personal and professional aid
- Focus on continuous improvement via Kaizen
- International exposure through platforms like
Global Exposure Programme
- Trainee of the quarter
- Team of the month
- Spot recognition
- CEO kitty
- Long term service award
- Chairman's award
In line with our philosophy of being a high performance organisation, we have a strong performance management system in place. All our employees participate in a reward-linked annual appraisal programme, where performance is gauged against key performance indicators. Three key tenets of our performance management approach are: |
1 |
Appraisal based on annual
goals measured against a pre
determined five-point scale |
2 |
Feedback and
identification of areas
for improvement |
3 |
Individual key performance
indicators linked to
sustainability outcomes |
Our decisions pertaining to employee development and progression is based on robust evaluation of work performance and potential. To seed, nurture and grow a vibrant workforce we: |
1 |
Identify and develop internal candidates for key management positions |
2 |
Work with universities and training institutions to develop a healthy talent pipeline |
3 |
Offer rotation opportunities within our business, plus mentoring and career counselling |
4 |
Extend more opportunities
to women, particularly at managerial level |
For more details on Performance Management,
refer Remuneration Report in our Annual Report. |
We continued to add strength to the calibre of our talent across cadres through various development enablers such as: |
- Expert-led training on issues including behaviour and technical skills
- Orientation programme to facilitate new recruits' transition from
'campus to corporate’
- Chairman's workshops: attended by more than 2,500 people in the
last five years
- Initiatives like Technical ACT UP, Club 100 and Leadership Workshop
- Work Integrated Learning Programme - offering B-Tech and M-Tech
education while on-the-job
Vedanta’s Global Internship Program (GIP) is designed for high achievers to apply their academic knowledge, analysis and business acumen to some of the most challenging projects in a real-life environment. |
Suresh Bose | Head
Group Human Resources, Vedanta Ltd . |
We offered 1.53 mn training hours to our team members, with an average of 31 hours per full-time employee. |
Our Group-wide 'Star of Business' programme is a unique initiative that identifies high potential talent early in their career and puts them on a fast growth track through enhanced roles and responsibilities. Our Global Leadership Programme empowers the high potential employees to gain global exposure by working overseas for six to twelve months. Such career advancement platforms have empowered thousands of employees to climb the corporate ladder, speedily and fruitfully. |
We also conduct structured programmes to assist employees for smooth transitioning from work to retirement such as computer literacy programmes, wealth management, tradesman skill building programmes, retirement workshops & employee assistance programmes. |
Employee Training |
man-hours |
Full Time Employees |
Contract Employees |
In the reporting year, Vedanta Ltd. won the 'Best Practices in Developing Top Leaders' Award at the 'Best Leadership Development Practices of Asia Seminar and Awards 2015'. The company was also declared the first runners-up in two other categories, 'Best Practices for Developing Future Leaders' and 'Best Practices for Developing New Leaders'. |
Sterlite Copper received the 'Golden Peacock HR Excellence Award' for overall excellence in HR and People Management Practices. |
Vedanta Ltd. - Jharsuguda won the coveted 'Significant Achievement in HR Excellence' Award at the 6th CII National HR Excellence Awards. |
For more information visit our group companies |