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Conversation builds the foundation for convergence. The symbiotic relationship that we share with our stakeholders stems from our zest to constantly engage with them in a constructive dialogue. With a view to understand expectations, align interests and update them on intentions and actions, we interact with our stakeholders, internal as well as external, across the project life cycle. Not only does it build winning synergies, we also reap the benefits of improved risk management and better on-ground outcomes. Our key stakeholders can be segmented in the following groups: |
Launched an online
stakeholder engagement
and grievance redressal
recording system. |
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Just like the diversity of our stakeholders, our modes of engagement too are multifarious. From information disclosures to participatory sessions, from feedback forms to one-to-one discussions, from satisfaction surveys to performance scorecards, from top-management discourse to public hearings - we deploy a host of engagement channels depending on the need and nature of a stakeholder. |
Strategic Communication
is the fourth pillar of our Sustainable Development Model. It helps us create synergies, combat misrepresentation, mitigate risks and
reinforce our reputation. |
Our dialogue begins with questions to solicit feedback. Our stakeholders have access to a number of platforms to reach out to Vedanta personnel and voice concerns. |
We disclose not just because we want to be heard, but because we are answerable. Equal attention is laid on providing a constructive response. |
We have established a robust investigation process for complaints reported via the Whistle-Blowing Mechanism, Sustainability ID
and Group Communications ID, involving senior management and other function personnel. |
We work hand-in-hand with our stakeholders like governments, communities, industry bodies and NGOs, and align our goals and actions with high priority areas of the nations. The feedback of all engagements becomes part of our materiality identification exercise. |
There is no stronger proof of commitment to the cause, than demonstrable action. We back our words with acts that move the needle towards promised outcomes. |
We regularly engage with sustainability analysts to benchmark our performance with peers.
The Group's Stakeholder Engagement Standard guides relationship building actions of all our businesses. The standard is at par with global benchmarks, and is a true enabler as it empowers businesses to tailor it so that they can accommodate local culture. |
In fact, at the beginning of every year our businesses conduct their own stakeholder identification & engagement analysis. It includes details, type and periodicity of engagement for all identified stakeholders across the business functions. This ensures that expectations and concerns specific to the operation are identified and addressed. |
We monitor both actual and perceived impacts and then liaise with respective stakeholders to determine the level of likelihood and severity. Based on the analysis, Stakeholder Engagement Plans are developed and pressed into action by each business unit. To enhance efficiency and efficacy, they are periodically reviewed and revised. |
Over the years, this mechanism has become integral to our sustainable development approach and helps us: |
- Identify, categorise and engage stakeholders at all stages of the project life cycle
- Ensure relevant engagement modes and optimal frequency for each stakeholder
- Identify relevant information for local disclosure
- Align our interventions with stakeholder priorities
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All our operations have dedicated stakeholder representatives who ensure two-way engagement. |
We have a dedicated public email address - sustainability@vedanta.co.in - available for sending grievances and queries regarding Vedanta Group or any of the Group Companies. It is being managed by the Group Sustainability Head and team, who respond to stakeholders at the business and operational levels as appropriately guided by our Framework. |
Similarly, all emails and correspondence regarding our sustainable development initiatives received by corporate functions like Corporate Communications and Investor Relations teams are being forwarded to the sustainability team. |
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All the issues, feedback points and grievances raised are recorded, and contribute to our continual monitoring of stakeholders' interests, and ultimately become part of stakeholders' feedback in our materiality identification exercise. |
We also proactively meet with key stakeholder groups including civil society organisations, media and industry associations, to increase awareness about our business, explain our point of view and answer queries. We also publish in-house journals and newsletters, such as Zinc News and Yagna, to engage with employees, our wider industry, communities as well as host governments. |
Below is a synopsis of the engagement modes deployed by us during the reporting period:
Mode of Engagement
Identified Material Aspects
Outcomes |
Community group meetings, village council meetings, community need / social impact assessments, public hearings, grievance mechanisms,
cultural events, engaging philanthropically with communities via the Vedanta Foundation |
- Community engagement initiatives
- Infrastructure projects
- Land and resettlement
- Local employment
- Completed the social impact studies for HZL and
Cairn India operations
- All projects are aligned to need-based assessment
- Site-specific stakeholder engagement process involving
annual engagements, activities and communication
- Around 2.25 mn beneficiaries via integrated
development programmes
- US$ 37 mn invested in community development
- Community grievance process followed at all
- All land and resettlement practices follow the process
laid down in the Framework
Chairman's workshops, Chairman's / CEO's town hall meetings, feedback sessions, performance management systems, various committees
at the plant level, mentor programme, event management committee and welfare committee, women's clubs etc. |
- Employee health & safety
- Training & leadership development
- Gender diversity
- Succession planning
- 757,000 man-hours safety training, and 1.53 mn man-
hours HR and skill development training delivered to
employees and contract workforce
- Rolled out the technical external assessment (ACT-UP)
process for other jobs apart from mining & smelting
- Identification of top talents and future leaders through
- More than 15% female hiring
Regular updates, investor meetings, sustainable development day
site visits, annual general meeting and conferences, dedicated contact channel ir@vedanta.co.in
and sustainability@
vedanta.co.in |
- Economic performance
- ESG (Environmental,
Social and Governance)
- Adherence to international
standards for new projects
- Sustainability risk
- US$ 10.7 bn revenue with a final dividend of 30 US
cents per share
- Maiden Sustainable Development Day hosted in
- Round table workshops and meetings with Socially
Responsive Investors & Lenders
- All new projects carried out as per the Sustainable
Development Framework
and International Finance Corporation standards
- Sustainability assurance audits conducted through
Vedanta Sustainability Assurance Programme (VSAP)
- Completion of Environment & Social Review of VSAP
Partnerships with and membership of international organisations, working relationships with organisations on specific projects, engagement with international, national and local NGOs, conferences and workshops, dedicated contact channel sustainability@
vedanta.co.in |
- Project partnerships
- Community development
- Human rights compliance -
child labour and forced
- Membership of international organisations including
the United Nations Global Compact, TERI, CII, The
World Business Council for Sustainable Development
(WBCSD) and Indian Biodiversity Business Initiative
- More than 250 partnerships with non-government
organisations, schools, academic and government
- Focus towards implementing Sustainable Development
Goals and other community need-based projects
Customer satisfaction surveys, scorecards, in-person visits to customers, supplier and vendor meetings |
- Contractual integrity -
- Partnerships
- SAP-based Supplier Relation Management system in
place to facilitate transparency
- Hotline service and email ID to receive whistle-blower
- Internal preparedness to implement the UK Modern
Slavery Act requirements
Participation in government consultation programmes, engagement with national, state and regional government bodies at business and operational level |
- Economic performance
- Community development
- Environmental initiatives
- US$ 37 mn invested in community development
- US$ 39 mn spent on environmental improvement and operational projects
- US$ 3.2 bn payments to exchequers
For more information visit our group companies |