All companies will be assessed on the four Management Processes and each of the Business Processes selected by them. Each of these will be assessed on two parameters, each parameter carrying a maximum score of 100. The two parameters are: |
The manner in which the MQW approach has been used by the company in improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the Management and Business processes. |
The concrete results achieved in terms
of actual improvements in the process and the corresponding business benefits (tangible and intangible) obtained for
the company. |
For each of the four Management Processes and the selected Business Processes, the company will be assessed for both, Process Parameters and Results Parameters on the basis of a 5-Level Scale. |
Assessors will decide the percentage score for Process and Results. Depending on the score, the assessor will place the company at one of the five levels of maturity. |
The five levels of maturity, along with the corresponding range of percentage score, are summarized below: |
Maturity Level |
Percentage Score |
Level 1 |
0% to 15% |
Level 2 |
16% to 30% |
Level 3 |
31% to 50% |
Level 4 |
51% to 75% |
Level 5 |
76% to 100% |
The following approach will be adopted while deciding the percentage score and placing the company in one of the 5-Levels of maturity: |
For the assessment of Process as well as Result, tables are provided as per Annexure 2. These tables give specific scales for each of the four Management Processes. Since Business Processes could vary from company to company depending on the industry, a set of generic scales have been specified which are applicable to any Business Process. |
These are presented in the form of a table of descriptions which are indicative of the characteristics of a company at each of the above levels of maturity. These descriptions are not meant to be exhaustive. They are meant to be examples of the typical characteristics of a company at a particular maturity level. |
Each maturity level has a range of percentage score e.g. 16% to 30%, 31% to 50% and so on. This range has been provided so that, besides evaluating the factual, data based process and result improvements, the assessors would also apply qualitative judgement in awarding the percentage score within the range specified for each level. |