Environmental Performance |
Enhanced Reporting |
Responsibility and accountability are two key pillars of environmental management at Mahindra. As a responsible organisation, we set ourselves targets to reduce emissions, eradicate waste and optimise consumption of natural resources across sectors. As an accountable organisation we not only monitor and report our environmental performance,
we constantly enhance the depth of our reporting to enable informed improvements. |
In the previous reporting cycle, we undertook a detailed carbon foot-printing exercise of the entire group to zero-in on carbon intensive processes that offer significant reduction potential. This will be a continuous exercise and the scope of the exercise will be enhanced on an ongoing basis. |
During the year, most sectors reported significant progress on the environmental front and demonstrated that they were well on course to achieve the targets assigned to them in the sustainability roadmap. |
Last year over and above reporting on a consolidated 'Group-wide' level we commenced reporting our 'Sector specific' performance. We continue to do that this year as well, but with greater efficiency. We analyse, report, and track sector-wise trends for specific GHG emissions and specific consumption of water and energy against unit of produce/service. |
We have been reporting environmental performance in terms of absolute and specific consumption. The specific consumption is calculated by dividing absolute consumption by
a denominator, which is set based on the nature of business e.g. In case of manufacturing business units it is number of units produced, for services it is number of employees, or units of services offered etc. Like last year, this year too Mahindra witnessed high growth and the Group's production levels rose significantly across almost all sectors. The total quantum
of produce also rose due to the addition of firms like MVML, MSat, AM-MSB to the reporting scope. This has led to an increase in the absolute values of the environmental indicators. |
The denominators for the group companies are delineated in the following table. |
Sector |
Unit of Measure |
Denominators |
2008-09 |
2009-10 |
2010-11 |
AD |
Equivalent number of vehicles manufactured |
192,622 |
254,638 |
282,018 |
FD |
Equivalent number of tractors manufactured |
218,869 |
280,911 |
331,923 |
(Except Gears) |
Tonnes of production |
198,913 |
239,242 |
282,211 |
(Gears) |
Number of gears produced |
2,100,000 |
2,000,000 |
2,680,179 |
Tonnes of production |
118,379 |
141,377 |
180,916 |
Number of vehicles manufactured |
69,624 |
179,625 |
Acres of area developed and maintained |
1,903 |
2,207 |
2,207 |
Built-up area in square meters |
529,482 |
488,233 |
569,938 |
Full time equivalent employees |
351 |
468 |
509 |
Room nights booked |
136,798 |
156,080 |
237,260 |
Full time equivalent employees
(replaced from Loan disbursement) |
426 |
399 |
299 |
Tech M |
Full time equivalent employees |
23,954 |
28,897 |
35,886 |
Number of vehicles manufactured |
40,954 |
MSat |
Full time equivalent employees |
20,092 |
Tonnes of packaging |
8,207 |
Note: The denominators mentioned in the above table are considered for calculating specific consumption of environmental parameters. |