Economic Performance |
Climate change is the greatest environmental challenge of our generation. Its impact has implications for productivity and competitiveness. |
The multitude of impacts include scarcity of natural resources and their upwardly spiralling prices, enhanced transportation costs, additional insurance covers and expenditure on risk mitigation. At Mahindra, we are constantly pursuing optimal utilisation processes and recycling programs to reduce our dependency on fresh natural resource. We are also injecting more time and resources in our logistics to refine our systems and create more efficient processes. |
Currently, our operations do not fall under the European Emissions trading scheme for carbon dioxide and have experienced little regulatory impact as a result of current greenhouse gas regulations. However, with India releasing its first National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC) outlining existing and future national policies and programs our operations are likely to be affected by regulations in the future. The NAPCC consists of eight missions that address different aspects of the climate change. Each mission has the power to initiate policy refinements and legislations that can affect the way business is traditionally done. We are closely monitoring proposed initiatives and initiating proactive steps to be policy ready even before these policies come into implementation. |
We, the Mahindra Group, by the virtue of our breadth of the operations, come under the purview of a number of these missions. Detailed below are the forward looking initiatives that we have already undertaken to align our operations to these missions and generate value from emerging opportunities. |
To promote the development
and use of solar energy for power generation and other uses. |
Mahindra Solar One, set up in 2010 as a subsidiary of Mahindra Cleantech Ventures, offers a range of solar solutions spanning on-grid solutions, EPC (Engineering, Procurement, and Construction) services, and off-grid solutions. |
To yield
energy savings
of 10,000 MW
by 2012. |
Through our various initiatives in
all our Group companies, we saved 37,695 GJ of energy in 2010-11. |
To promote energy efficiency as a core component
of urban planning. |
Mahindra Group has also made it a point to embed green characteristics into any new building projects. In fact we have retrofitted Mahindra Towers in Mumbai to be more energy efficient.
Till date, five sites of MLDL have received IGBC rating. MWC has developed an in-house team of engineers and architects as certified energy saving analyst for analysing efficiency of its green building. |
20% improvement in water use efficiency through pricing and
other measures. |
Various sectors of Mahindra Group have adopted the 3R (Reduce / Recycle / Reuse) methodology for water conservation. In addition to this, we have decided to conduct a comprehensive water footprinting
exercise to understand and optimise
our water consumption. |
Afforestation of
6 million hectares of degraded forest lands and expanding forest cover from 23%
to 33% of India's territory. |
Mahindra Group has an ongoing project called Project Hariyali which is a mass tree plantation initiative undertaken by each and every Mahindra location. Under this project, we surpassed our target to plant a million trees in 2008 and are currently well on our way to achieve our target of an additional million trees by October 2, 2011. |
To support
climate adaptation in agriculture through the development of climate-resilient crops, expansion of weather insurance mechanisms,
and agricultural practices. |
We have always been at the forefront of agricultural technology. We manufactured and supplied tractors that gave an impetus to the Green Revolution of India. During the reporting period, the Group decided to foray into micro-irrigation and acquired a stake in EPC Industrie' Limited.
Products from Mahindra's Farm Division are helping farms become more prosperous in more than forty countries in six continents. Over and above robust and efficient tractors, Mahindra have also expanded into farm-support services, including agri-mechanisation solutions under Mahindra AppliTrac; seeds, crop protection, and market linkages and distribution through Mahindra Shubhlabh; and agri-support information and counselling through the Samriddhi Initiative. |
On-ground initiatives to climate-proof our business are reported along with their results in the environment performance section. |