Sustainability and Us |
Our journey of sustainability started with the cascading of sustainability awareness across the entire organisation. This was followed by the formulation of a structured roadmap tailor-made for each sector's individual materiality. The next logical step was to undertake strategic initiatives at business and unit level towards the achievement of the long term goals that we have set for ourselves. |
The comprehensive group roadmap, along with the customised roadmaps for individual sectors, articulates goals on a three year and five year timeline. We regularly keep track of our progress and report it as well. The present report covers the second year of the three year timeline and the progress charted out across all the goals has been very encouraging. In fact, most businesses have surpassed these targets. |
Sectors have taken various initiatives
to reduce Specific Electrical and Thermal Energy Consumption.
The projects are mainly focused
on innovation, automation, process improvement, alternate fuel and renewable energy. Corporate Sustainability Cell facilitated to
conduct preliminary Energy Audit at Systech plants, MTWL and MMFSL. |
In the current reporting year the group has shown a reduction in specific water consumption and in devising a methodology to capture variation in paper and waste. To reduce specific consumption of the above resources sectors like AD, FD, MTWL, Systech, MLDL, MHRIL, MIL, AM-MSB, Tech – M, MSat have adopted the 3R (Reduce / Recycle / Reuse) methodology. |
MLL and MIL have taken special projects to reduce wood consumption for packaging and material handling. |
MIL Nashik and Vadodara have started replacing wooden pallets with metal pallets and saved
578 & 138 tonnes of wood per annum respectively. |
MTWL has devised
Green Procurement & Green IT Policy. |
Green IT Policy have been
Green Procurement Policy
by AD, FD & MLDL. |
Action plan set up for the implementation of Green Procurement & Green IT policy. |
In the year 2010-2011 three plants
of Systech (MUSCO Khopoli / MUSCO Rudrapur/ Mahindra Forging - Chakan) certified for ISO 14001 & OHSAS 18001. |
MSB Kanhe plant certified for ISO 14001 & OHSAS 18001 integrated system. |
MTWL Pithampur plant has
been certified for ISO 14001 & OHSAS 18001. |
MHRIL Goa and Coorg resorts
have certified for ECOTEL. |
Five sites of MLDL have
IGBC rating. |
Faridabad - Chloris received
Platinum Rating. |
Sustainability Awareness will be a continuous process for employees, shareholders. Structured interaction with suppliers is in progress.
The awareness was also carried
out in community areas like schools and colonies. |
AD, FD, Systech, MMFSL, MLL,
MHRIL, MLDL have shown
Specific CO2 emissions.
MIL have shown increase. |
Employees were motivated to participate in the Esops activities
by empowering them to choose
the initiatives. |
For the roadmap review MWC's performance has not been considered owing to their dynamic nature
of business of expansion and new developments. Tech M data is also not considered because
is a significant improvement in the data collection process for the past two years compared
to base-line year. |
Companies added in the scope in FY 2009-10 and FY 2010-11 are not a part of the roadmap, because they do not align with the already set baseline year for the above reasons. In the future, we plan to alter the roadmap to address the same. |