To address Climate Change is to adopt sustainable development. India set on a mission to combat climate change in June 2008 that includes reduction of emission, use of solar power, water management and energy conservation. |
Buildings today account for 40% of the world's energy use. Most new buildings are built with the environment in mind, but the real key to substantial progress is reducing existing building energy consumption and carbon footprint. |
At Mahindra, we initiated retrofitting Mahindra Towers, Worli - Mumbai to cut energy consumption in December 2008. |
The BEE certified Energy Services Company (ESCo) conducted energy audit of Mahindra Tower. Post the audit, 'Techno-commercial' aspects of all identified Energy Conservation Measures (ECMs) were discussed and an action plan was prepared. Only projects with simple pay-back of less than 18 months were selected for implementation. ESCo invested INR 15.90 Lac to implement the identified ECMs. |
To maintain present norms of illumination level and temperature in air-conditioned areas. |
To ensure that the aesthetics are maintained while replacing any equipment, fittings etc. |
To identify and deploy desirable mix of technology and cost in view of the set pay-back period. |
The Energy Conservation Measures implemented at Mahindra Towers are as follows: |
Optimisation of Electrical Distribution System for demand management and energy savings. |
System optimisation of air-conditioning operation without changing the set chilled water and return air temperature. Optimisation of electrical system and air-conditioning plant that results in a saving of approximately 17,000 kWh per month. |
In case of lighting, over 2,000 T-5 HE tube-rods with high-frequency, low-harmonic electronic ballasts were replaced in existing fittings. This change has resulted in a saving of approximately 11,000 kWh per month. |
Sizing of AHU motors was reduced and motors of high-efficiency (Eff-1) were installed keeping the blower speed unchanged to ensure original air circulation. |
10% reduction in monthly power consumption has been achieved. Overall pay-back period is less than a year. |
The retrofitting has affected an average savings of 36,185 kWh / month, the equivalent CO2 saved is 29.3 tonnes / month (In Maharashtra saving of 1kWh / month is equivalent to 810 gms of CO2). |
This model of retrofitting will now be extended to other office buildings as well as manufacturing plants. |