Sustainability and Us
Progressive businesses the world over are increasingly seeing sustainability as a competitive edge. From being an optional 'expense', the paradigm on sustainability is shifting to being a 'future-ready investment'. Sustainability is being mainstreamed. Evident economic benefit, stakeholder protests and government policies are accelerating the process. At Mahindra, we have transformed well-meaning intentions into well-established roadmaps;
our alternative acts have resulted into transformative impacts as well. Sustainability has been strategically integrated in all our business operations and decision-making processes. Almost all our workforce is sensitised and aligned to the cause.
As we complete our fourth reporting cycle we are proud to report that our businesses are harvesting visible competitive advantages of sustainability; advantages that cascade not just across our operations, but across the entire stakeholder chain benefitting our investors, suppliers, vendors, customers and communities.

Transformational Journey Alternative Integration Alternative Nature
Alternative Gaming Alternative Goal Alternative Reward