We are driving availability of our medicines across geographies by making more drugs in shorter time, bridging supply chain gaps, charting newer territories, and making medicines more affordable. |
Below are some of the interventions where we have gone the extra mile to drive availability of our medicines: |
Ensuring Availability
of Life-saving Drug |
One of Europe's largest pharmaceutical companies was facing a manufacturing slowdown due to audit related
procedures and was on the lookout for
an external supplier who could step in quickly to meet the challenging requirement of delivering 20 tons of the penultimate stage of a complex, multi-stage API in just three months. |
Our Customer Pharma Services (CPS) team sprung in to action and did a thorough evaluation of the requirement. The team faced two major challenges including the provision of a facility to manufacture drug substance using the requested route and to source the necessary raw materials. |
Taking these challenges head on, CPS team delivered the required quantity of
API ahead of schedule. Subsequently,
the team also delivered an additional 30 tons of the drug substance to ensure continuous availability of a critical life-saving drug on the shelf. |
Showing Courage in
War-torn Ukraine |
Last year, Eastern Ukraine virtually
turned into a war zone due to anti-government protests. Employees of
most other companies either fled the region or went on leave. However, our Ukraine team continued to demonstrate courage by staying committed to the
goal of providing good health to people. |
Our team decided to work around the crisis by reorganising territories and stationing themselves in villages and
towns that were not gripped by conflict,
at the same time remaining in touch
with doctors in the conflict zones on
phone. |
The team ensured that our medicines
are available even in the areas under separatist occupation by working
closely with a pharmacy chain. As the situation began to ease, they even managed to conduct two CMEs for physicians. Our effort gained the trust
of the medical fraternity as a Company
that goes the extra mile to ensure availability. Several of the team
members continue to work there even
as their families have moved to more peaceful regions. |
Bridging Gap in the Supply
Chain Process in Russia |
Given the weather and terrain conditions in Russia, medicine distribution to rural and remote locations is complex and challenging. It can take up to 30 days for supplies to reach their destination from Moscow and the probability of stock-outs is really high. |
We worked closely with the distributors, and started assessing their inventory and sales data on a daily basis, so that we could react instantly to possible shortages in the system. By establishing a synchronised supply chain and integrating our systems – sales, supply chain and IT – we have become true partners to distributors. |
Our efforts have had a deep impact. Shortages were halved, inventory turns were doubled. Efficiency and profitability of our partners increased, and they can now respond to the exact need-profile of patients in a way that was not possible before. |
Commitment to Patients |
Venezuela is going through a huge balance of payments crisis and the exchange rates have fallen dramatically. While we are paying a huge price due to the devaluation, we have persisted in this market, once again demonstrating our commitment to patients. |
Analysing the sales patterns from different regions, the team made an |
Making Medicines
Affordable |
Valganciclovir, an antiviral, is used to treat CMV retinitis (eye infection that can cause blindness) in people who have acquired AIDS, and in people who have received an organ transplant (heart, kidney or kidney-pancreas). |
We decided to address access to this critical medicine by accelerating the availability of a more affordable version. Using information available in the public domain about the API supply chain, an IP strategy and litigation, we were able to launch the product much ahead of other generic manufacturers. |
Since its launch in December 2014, nearly 40% of patients in the US are using Dr. Reddy's Valganciclovir. |
extraordinary finding that availability was the most critical factor for patients in choosing a brand. |
The team immediately ironed out the supply chain and ensured that our
products are available through independent pharmacies, retail chains
and insurance pharmacies so that
patients could get them when and
where they needed them. |
Integrating Intelligence in Supply Chain |
Challenge |
Action |
To have a system in place which can integrate all the processes from demand management to sales and procurement, planning to production, and ensure a smoother and faster journey of the medicines from suppliers to customers. |
The Intelligent integration (i2) project
has been taken up for end-to-end integration of supply chain and
operations management. |
Key Modules of the System |
Planning |
Net Requirement
Planning |
Planning |
builds demand
based on market
intelligence and
latest consumption trends |
calculates unconstrained
demand of manufacturing
locations |
triggers procurement
plan based on material requirements |
plans movement of finished goods to sales warehouses
in a cost effective manner |
Long-term Capacity Management |
Analytics |
integrates future demand with the
upcoming launches |
provides lead and lag indicators to
fine tune the new operating model |
Outcome |
Integration of all demand |
Refined demand projection based on past consumption and market intelligence |
Stock keeping units categorised in to runners, repeaters and strangers considering
their sales value, demand variability and plant volume |
Input material planning based on constrained production plan over the planning
horizon |
Long, medium and short-term capacity planning on the system |
Faster and effective decision making as demand input, supply constraints, material
plans are on the same solution |
Enabling Financial
Assistance Programme |
Resof is a tablet which is a boon for patients suffering from chronic Hepatitis
C. Several companies have launched
this product based on licenses from Gilead. |
At Dr. Reddy's we decided to walk the extra step and created a patient assistance programme to tackle the
issue of affordability of the medicine.
Our specially designed financial assistance programme enabled
patients to pay for Resof in easy instalments. With therapy periods
ranging from six months to almost a
year, this is a wonderful way to bring
good health to the many chronic
Hepatitis C patients, who cannot
otherwise afford the treatment. |