Affordable & Innovative Medicines |
Access to medicine is a basic right, yet
each year millions of people, the
majority of whom live in developing
countries, are unable to enjoy this right. |
At Dr. Reddy's, we believe that Good
Health Can't Wait and are committed to
accelerate access to affordable and
innovative medicines. |
We regularly enlarge our generics
footprint by introducing new products,
entering new geographies and
penetrating deeper in existing markets.
Over and above access and
affordability, we also work towards
enhancing the efficiency and efficacy of
medicine by developing differentiated
formulations that facilitate easy and
calibrated dosages, and enhance
patient comfort. |
Environmental Management & Climate Change |
Our environment management practices follow the dictum that preservation is better than cure. We have institutionalised an 'environmental commitment statement' that articulates measurable targets for each key environmental performance indicator. |
We continually seek to reduce our specific energy consumption and increase usage of renewable energy. Towards our aim to become water neutral by 2020, we are deploying various measures like Zero Liquid Discharge plants, rainwater harvesting and water audits. Our waste management efforts start with reducing waste generation at source through adoption of green chemistry and lean manufacturing, and followed by
recycling and responsible disposal. We
already track particulate matter, NOx
and SOx emissions, and are closely
following evolving norms on other
pollutants such as VOCs. |
Our environment stewardship extends
beyond our premises. We actively
educate and encourage, our vendors
and partners to adopt environment-
friendly practices. |
Being an Employer of Choice |
Employees are the true growth engines of an organisation. An egalitarian ecosystem, purpose-driven work culture, cross-functional growth opportunities, human dignity and work-life balance are key ingredients of our employee value proposition. |
Every individual's effort is valued, nurtured and rewarded at Dr. Reddy's. All employees are provided a canvas to channel their energies, abilities and skills, and are assisted to achieve their professional and personal goals. |
Our goal is to make work challenging, life interesting and the experience at Dr. Reddy's memorable. |
Product Responsibility |
Our products are guardians of human health. Hence, patient-centricity is paramount to our product responsibility approach. To monitor the efficacy,
safety and stability of our medicines, we
have in place a competent pharmacovigilance team responsible for
detection and prevention of any
adverse effects of our products. |
All our products meet regulatory and safety standards and approvals. Besides this, our facilities and products
are periodically inspected by various
regulatory authorities such as the U.S. |
FDA, the UK MHRA, the South African
Medicines Control Council, the Brazilian
ANVISA, the Romanian National
Medicines Agency, the Gulf Co-
operation Council Group, the Ministry of
Health of Kyrgyzstan and the World
Health Organization (WHO). |
It is a commitment helmed at the top management and cascaded across functions, right up to the shop floor. This top-down accountability approach ensures consistent quality from development to dispatch. |
Sustainable Sourcing |
We view every member of our supply chain as our partner in sustainable progress. By building sound relationships with suppliers, we foster loyalty and secure valuable support that goes beyond the terms and conditions of an order, or the contents of a contract. |
We invest time and resources to embed sustainable practices across our value chain. From raising awareness to empowering them through training, from equipping them with various tools and technology to extending resource assistance; we proactively help our supply chain partners raise their sustainability quotient. |
This not just enhances their sustainability performance, but also boosts their business efficiency and quality of delivery. |
Caring for Communities |
We pursue community care with the same efficiency and meticulousness, with which we pursue our healthcare business. We have built a community care model based on our core competency - professionalism. Our holistic social responsibility begins right from community engagement, need assessment, intervention development, |
pilot run projects and SOP definition, to scale-up and collaborations. |
We go beyond episodic philanthropic assistance to create real opportunities for those who do not have access to them. The operating philosophy is to empower by building capabilities. |
Livelihoods &
Skill Building |
Education |
Health &
Hygiene |
We accomplish our community goals by working hand in hand with our CSR team members, employee volunteers, supply chain partners, DRF and DRFHE. |