Performance Target |
Status |
Progress |
Aim to reduce our specific
consumption of energy by about
5% every year so as to achieve a
40% reduction by year 2020. |
Initiated energy conservation measures at
Formulations Plant 3, Formulations Plant 6
and Formulations Plant 8, which will soon be cascaded
to other facilities like API Plant 5 and
API Plant 6. |
Strive to increase the
percentage share of
renewable energy in our total
energy consumption by 2.5%
every year over the next ten
years, such that renewable
energy share reaches 25%
year 2020. |
10.3% of total energy is now
from renewable sources,
due to agriculture waste briquette
fired boilers
in API Plant 1, 4 and
API Plant (SEZ). Solar energy now
constitutes 4.7% of the total
energy consumed |
Aim to reduce our specific water consumption of
water by about 5% every year over the next ten years
so as to achieve a 40% reduction by year 2020. |
New wastewater recycling facilities were commissioned
at Formulations Plant 1 and 2. Recycling of treated water
resulted in reduction in freshwater consumption |
Strive to become water neutral by year 2020 by
replenishing the water table with an amount of water
equal to what we consume, using means such as
water harvesting. |
New rainwater harvesting facilities were
at API Plant 5 and API SEZ. These
augment the existing
rainwater harvesting system
at Formulations Plant 3.
Next steps: Studies are being undertaken to explore
further opportunities for rainwater harvesting at other
manufacturing facilities. |
Attempt to reduce our
specific generation of
hazardous waste. |
New sludge dewatering system commissioned at
Formulations Plant 3. Segregation of pure salts from
process and their disposal to recyclers at API Plant 5 &
API Plant 6 commenced during this reporting period. |
Reduce the quantum of hazardous
waste sent by us to landfill / incineration
by about 5% every year over next
ten years so as to achieve a 40%
reduction by year 2020. |
30% of hazardous waste generated was recycled
the cement industry as auxiliary fuel. The
Business Unit obtained necessary
permits from the
regulators to dispose market
returned goods in
cement plants. |