Deployment of Electronically Commutated (EC) motor technology for power reduction in air handling units of HVAC systems |
Installation of motor optimisation software to reduce active & reactive load at drive level and thereby reduce power consumption |
Provision of DO Sensor at the Aeration Tank of the STP resulted in daily energy consumption dropping from 52 units to 8.4 units |
Consolidation of cooling towers
and chillers |
Discontinuation of chilled water
circulation during non-office hours led
to energy saving of 250 units a day |
Switching off the compressor during non-office hours led to energy saving
of 120 units/day |
Installing LED lights in our plants helped conserve 27,914 kilowatt of power |
Optimisation of RO-1 plant operations & stoppage of RO-2 plant in WWRF saved over 3,200 kilowatts of power |