Internal Control System |
Our day-to-day functioning is directed by a robust internal control system
which has been designed to safeguard our tangible and intangible assets,
ensure that all transactions are properly authorised, and provide significant
assurance of the integrity, objectivity and reliability of financial information at
a reasonable cost. |
Audit and Management Assurance |
The Board recognises the work of the auditors and other management assurance functions as an independent check on the information received from the management on the operations, compliance and financial reporting of the Company. The Board and the management periodically review their findings and recommendations, and take corrective actions, whenever necessary. |
External Assurance |
BSR & Co. Chartered Accountants and KPMG India are independent auditors for financials under Indian GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) and the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) respectively. |
Compliance Review |
Dr. Reddy's has a dedicated team under an identified Chief Compliance Officer for overseeing compliance activities, and a defined framework to review and monitor compliance with all laws applicable to the Company. |
A Management Compliance Committee was introduced this year to provide strategic guidance and direction on dealing with emerging risks to the Compliance Team. |
A compliance dashboard is periodically shared with the Board and discussions are scheduled in the quarterly Board Audit Committee and Risk Management
Committee meetings. |
Corruption and Anticompetitive Behaviour |
At Dr Reddy's, our CoBE policy strictly discourages
corrupt practices and anticompetitive behaviour. We undertake
reasonable measures to ensure that all employees act in accordance
with all applicable competition laws and regulations. |
We have created awareness of our whistle-blower policies and procedures. Issues concerning corruption, if any, are looked into and appropriately addressed. |
We do not permit the giving or
receiving of gifts, hospitality or
expenses by employees, either
directly or indirectly, as an
inducement from or to parties
conducting or seeking to
conduct business with
Dr. Reddy's. |
Our compliance and fraud risk management policies require risk analysis to include elements of fraud and corruption on a periodic basis. |
We prescribe free competition and encourage our
to conduct operations in accordance with all applicable competition laws and regulations that prohibit monopolisation. |
Avoidance of Conflict of Interest |
A Conflict of Interest policy has been rolled out globally and is applicable to all our employees. Additionally, our senior management,
employees at senior director level and above, as well as certain identified key employees, make annual disclosures to the Board
relating to all material, financial and commercial transactions where they may have personal interest, if any, which may have a potential
conflict with the interest of the Company. |
Transactions with key managerial personnel have been disclosed in the financials sections of Annual Report 2013-14 & 2014-15
under Related Party Transactions. |