Summary Report
Focus Areas    |    Education    |    Livelihoods    |    Healthcare    |    Infrastructure Initiatives    |    Creating Change Makers
Dr. Reddy's continued to implement its CSR programme on Livelihoods for the youth, the differently abled and the farmers, under the Livelihood Advancement Business School (LABS) and the Skilling Rural Youth (SRY) programmes, through DRF.
Livelihood Advancement Business School (LABS)
LABS has been developed for the youth between the ages of 18 and 30, who have
limited opportunities and inadequate skill sets. To enable them to gain a foothold in
today's competitive job market, LABS equips them with job-specific skills, soft skills,
basic English language skills, computer skills and placement linkages. Other than the
centres supported by Dr. Reddy's, we also collaborate with like-minded partners in
order to scale up this programme and thereby, serve more youth in the country.
Livelihoods Programme for the Differently Abled
A 60-day skill development programme, where
unemployed differently-abled youths aged between 18
and 30 years are given training in market-driven skills
which enable them to gain a suitable opportunity in the
job market. Food and accommodation support is also
provided to outstation trainees.
Rural Livelihoods Programme
Under LABS-F, technology and methodology interventions are extended to farmers, to enhance their income by increasing productivity and decreasing input cost.
Any intervention which gives more than ₹10,000 annual income is named as substantive intervention and if the income is less than ₹10,000, it is termed as peripheral intervention.
Skilling Rural Youth (SRY)
A 10-day capacity building programme,
SRY mainly focusses on soft skills
training and linking youth with local
wage employment opportunities.
23 years old Gayathri Phani Pavani is the only child of her parents. She suffers from dwarfism and is only 3 feet tall. Her spinal cord is affected, because of which she bends while walking. In a family of three, Gayathri's mother was the sole earning member and could hardly make ends meet.
Gayathri completed her intermediate in 2014, but she confined herself to the house, fearing ridicule from the society. One of our BPO facilitators came across her and suggested that she visit the LABS-PWD centre. Soon, she enrolled herself under the BPO domain and today she is working as a Customer Support Executive with Aegis BPO, Begumpet. Today, Gayathri is motivated to scale further heights and is working to finish her graduation.
Nadipena Laxmunaidu, aged 45 years, owns 2 acres of land in Kanimella village. The major crop that he grows on his land, twice a year, is maize. For the past 4 years, productivity was declining by 10-15% every year. To improve productivity, he started applying more fertilisers and pesticides, but the problem persisted.
The DRF team intervened and identified the problem as unnecessary use of fertilisers and pesticides. DRF organised training sessions and
demonstrated the use of simple and efficient pest control methods in maize and the preparation of organic manure like CPP (Cow Pat Pit biodynamic manure), Jeevamrutham and Neem fusion. The team also demonstrated the importance of proper spacing of maize saplings while sowing.
Now, yields have increased by 15-20% and Nadipena is also saving on fertiliser and pesticide costs. Encouraged by the success of organic farming in maize, Nadipena is now working with DRF to introduce intercropping in Coconut & PCI traps.