Summary Report
High Performance Teams
To harness the benefits of a team-based structure, Integrated Product Development Organisation (IPDO) introduced the concept of High Performance Teams (HPT) in FY12.
These are small cross-functional teams, which focus on one or two products at a time in order to ensure full attention to each milestone of the product development cycle. The onus of product development, and strategy design and implementation rests with the team members. Hence, this concept is a great example of empowerment at work, free of hierarchical boundaries.
  After effective roll-out and
implementation in the API & EMIN
markets, in the reporting period IPDO
transformed all product development
teams into HPTs. 700+ associates are
part of HPTs.
Self Managed Teams
Our Self Managed Teams (SMTs) journey was initiated with an aim to enhance operational efficiency by nurturing empowered teams. Today, the SMT way has been institutionalised in all our manufacturing facilities.
While creating a knowledgeable workforce on the shop floor to handle all aspects of operations, the 'SMT way of work' is also enabling the young workforce of rural and semi-urban communities to learn, grow and lead more fulfilled lives. It is also improving employability in rural and semi-urban areas through its 'Learn while you Earn' model. Click here for details >>
Role-based Organisation
To improve the role-to-person fit, we implemented the concept of a Role-based Organisation (RBO) in 2011. The RBO model is being comprehensively implemented and institutionalised throughout the Company.
Leadership Development
Excellence at Dr. Reddy's is driven by leadership. Identifying and nurturing leaders across levels is a key focus area. Our 'Leadership Academy' is equipped with world-class infrastructure and faculty to host several programmes and workshops. A leadership competency framework is also in place to enable each employee to understand the expected leadership behaviour at every level in the organisation.
We have also customised and rolled out a unique leadership development programme called New Horizons Leadership Programme (NHLP), wherein participants complete individual breakthrough projects. For details, refer 'Nurturing Leadership' section.
Technical Training Centre
Established in 2011 to
meet the burgeoning need
of a technically-competent
workforce, Technical
Training Centre (TTC)
empowers employees in
Formulations plants with
technical skills to deliver superior performance on
the shop floor. Since
FY13, this technical skill building platform has
evolved into a structured certification system called the Skill Based
Progression System
TTC has well equipped training rooms, experiential labs plus instruments and machines to simulate the shop floor. A wide array of technical programmes are arranged for existing employees as well as new joinees. Certification is provided across three levels: 'Execute', 'Multi Skill' and 'Excel'.
1,800 employees were certified in 'Execute' and 'Multi Skill' levels in FY14 & 15 and another 1,000 are expected to be certified in FY16. Additionally, around 1% of the workforce is expected to achieve 'Excel level' certification over a period of 18-24 months. The centre has helped many employees to grow from team members to team leaders.