Human Rights |
Respect for human rights is non-negotiable at Dr. Reddy's. We are signatories to the UN Global Compact and support its 10 principles of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. |
Our Human Rights policy is not only
applicable to the Company, but also
holds accountable our suppliers,
contractors and partner NGOs. |
We do not employ nor encourage any child labour/forced labour at any of our locations. Any behaviour reflecting discrimination and/or harassment by any employee towards another is dealt with severely. Compliance with HR principles is ensured by conducting regular HR audits and monthly meetings of HR heads from the respective departments to raise concerns, if any, and collectively propose and execute refinements. |
We expect the same commitment from our value chain. In case of new investments, we conduct human rights screenings and also conduct HR compliance assessments for strategic suppliers on a regular basis. |
In the reporting period, no serious human rights violations were reported. |
In every area of operations, there is freedom to form associations for employees, including contract employees. We respect this right of employees, recognise their associations/ unions through a code of disciplines and negotiate on all matters pertaining to service conditions, leading to mutual benefits. |
Approximately 7% of our employees belong to a number of different labour unions. As per regulations, the minimum notice period regarding operational changes is six weeks. |