Solar energy consumption in FY15 was 14 million kilowatt and amounted to 4.7% of total energy consumption across the Company. We have put in motion a two-pronged strategy which comprises third party generation and captive generation to multiply this percentage many times over. |
Third Party: |
Captive: |
We have executed 26 MW of Solar Power supply contracts with
independent third parties. This was the first time in the State of Telengana, an Open Access Generator for solar power could supply power to an Open Access consumer. The settlement rules were rewritten in order to make this effective. Out of the total 26 MW, 10 MW has already been commissioned at API Hyderabad Plant 1 and 2. |
We studied all our sites for solar power generation opportunities and identified SEZ-Srikakulam and Bachupally
campus for installation of rooftop solar panels. Apart from rooftop solar installation, team has submitted proposal for captive land mounted solar power generation of additional 30 MW
on Dr. Reddy's land via a joint venture arrangement. |
We are injecting a huge dose of
green into our energy mix to achieve
our sustainability goals and enhance
energy security at competitive rates.
Plans are afoot to increase the
renewable power portfolio to 25%
of the total power consumption of all
units located in Andhra Pradesh and
Telengana State. |
Dr. Reddy’s has signed long-term
Power Purchase Agreements with
independent solar power producers
to draw renewable power through
open access. |
To promote thermodynamically efficient
use of fuel, we are setting up a
Cogeneration power plant at API
Srikakulam Plant at an investment of
₹620 million. The plant will cater to 65%
of power requirement and 100%
of steam requirement of Srikakulam Plant
and SEZ areas and has an annual
savings potential of ₹240 million. |